Christina Darras



DATE : Opening: Saturday 10 July, 1 - 3pm             Exhibition: Thursday 8 July – Saturday 24 July

Kingston Arts Grant recipient, Christina Darras presents Oneself, too many, an exhibition exploring the variability of identity one carries. The exhibition will showcase the artist's Oneself, too many body of work, consisting of 450 reduction linocuts printed on paper and handstitched into a large-scale blanket and the outcome of two Linocut Printing Workshops.

The artist approaches the multifaceted surface of one's identity through the symbolism of the images of faces and biological, religious, and natural elements. The question is, what element defines an individual? Is it one's history or one's biology? The past or the present? Or the aspirations of the future? Things which are already known and stereotyped or the unknown, the unexplored?

Learn Linocut printing! Workshops: Sat 26 June 1- 4pm & Sat 3 July 1- 4pm at Kingston Arts Centre

In these workshops you will work with the artist, Christina Darras to learn linocut printing techniques and to explore concepts around identity:

- You will learn how to make a reduction linocut; how to carve with safety the material, ink and print by hand or with a press.
- We will use 2-3 colours to create an image inspired by a discussion around identity, how one feels or defines oneself.
- All the materials are provided.
- The artworks produced in both workshops will be exhibited at G3 at Parkdale among Christina's artwork, Oneself, too many
(Audience adults and young adults above 14 years old)

G3 Artspace, Shirley Burke Theatre, Parkdale
64 Parkers Rd, Parkdale

Workshops: FREE - Sat 26 June 1 - 4pm | Sat 3 July 1 - 4pm
Workshops will take place at Kingston Arts Centre,979 Nepean Highway Moorabbin -
Exhibition Free admission - Shirley Burke Theatre, 64 Parkers Road, Parkdale